May 3, 2009

Lyrics on with GreaseMonkey and LyricWiki

LyricWiki is a community site where anyone can go to get reliable lyrics for any song from any artist without being hammered by invasive ads.
LyricWiki is driven by the users in the community like any Wiki.

LyricWiki is a cool site on its own, but it becomes really powerful in conjunction with other sites like
But LyricWiki is not built into by default, you'll need to install the GreaseMonkey Firefox extension and the - Lyrics UserScript. Read this short blog post if you're new to GreaseMonkey.

When all that is done, you'll find lyrics on every track page on If the lyrics for your particular track is not found, you'll find a link to the page where you can put in the lyrics for your favorite tracks :)

This screenshot shows the "Eric Hutchinson - Food Chain" track on with lyrics enabled.

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